Speakers - PHWC2025

Ese N’gbesso Roland Baudouin

  • Designation: Fetp Cote D’ivoire/Afenet
  • Country: Cote D’ivoire
  • Title: Investigation of Monkeypox cases, Health District Cocody Bingerville, Ivory Coast, August 2024


Introduction: Monkeypox, a zoonotic disease caused by an Ortho poxvirus, is  enerally transmitted to humans by wild rodents or primates in the forested areas of forest areas of Central and West Africa. However, human-to-human human-to-human transmission is possible, particularly within households or care settings. Since July 2024, confirmed cases have been recorded in Côte d'Ivoire. Between weeks 33 and 35 of 2024, health district Cocody-Bingerville received several alerts of suspected cases, triggering an investigation in order to take preventive and control measures.

Methods: A descriptive study was carried out, defining a suspect case as any person

presenting with an acute rash associated with symptoms such as headache, fever

headache, fever and lymphadenopathy. A confirmed case was one with a positive PCR test result, or with an epidemiological link to a with a monkeypox epidemic. A semi-structured questionnaire sociodemographic, clinical and exposure data. Exposure factors. Data were analyzed using Excel and Epi-Info 7.2.

Results: The study identified 9 suspected cases and 108 contacts, with an attack rate of 0.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. The median age of the cases was 19 years, and 77.78% were cases were male. Of the 9 suspected cases, 3 were confirmed positive for monkeypox virus, for a positivity rate of 33.33%. No severe cases were observed, and the cases were scattered with no apparent epidemiological link. The source of contamination remains unknown.

Conclusion: An epidemic of monkeypox was confirmed in Cocody-Bingerville, affecting mainly affecting young men. Measures such as isolation of cases, follow-up of contacts, and public awareness campaigns were recommended.

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